Monday, June 30, 2008

Run for the Hills

On Friday afternoon, I thought either I was getting a little tired at my desk or someone spiked the afternoon tea... turns out it was my first big earthquake. A little creepy in light of the fact you can see the Bay of Bengal two blocks away from my window, the epicenter's location, and it's relation to that of the relatively recent tsunami. In similar "Day After Tomorrow" fashion, an hour later giant dark clouds covered the entire city from the west, covering Chennai in a thick sheet of darkness, providing an impressive thunderstorm and a torrential downpour that changed roadways into rivers (no storm drains... awesome city planning) and back alleys into ponds, making my trip home in my work attire interesting.

But the real reason I'm posting is that I finally scanned that incredibly helpful "police report." Note the multitude of spelling, puncuation, grammar, and factual inaccuracies. Kids Zone: for fun, you can turn the error identification into a "Where's Waldo" game! Only in the books, Waldo usually only appears once on a page... mark your total of a possible score of 21.

1 comment:

rahil said...

i didn't know there was an earthquake!

Needless to say.. hilarious stories!

Looking at the positive side (yes, there is one!), you've seen the worst in India! It only gets better as you get out of Chennai :)

See you in hyderabad soon man!